Certified Electrical Company

Electrical Inspection & Testing

Regular electrical inspection and testing are essential for maintaining safety and efficiency. At Capital Electrical, our certified electricians provide meticulous services to ensure compliance with regulations and identify any potential hazards.

Electrical Installation Condition Reports

Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate

We understand the importance of maintaining the safety and integrity of your rental properties. That's why we provide Landlord Electrical Safety Certificates [EICR] which a crucial documents to validate the electrical safety of your properties. Our certified electricians conduct thorough inspections and tests on all electrical installations, identifying potential risks and ensuring all installations meet the requisite standards.

Electrical Inspection & Testing

Trusted By Domestic Clients & Industrial Businesses


Completed Works


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Years in Business

Electrical Inspection & Testing
Dedicated & Skilled Electricians

Home Buyers Electrical Survey

When buying a new home, it's crucial to ensure the electrical system is safe, efficient, and up-to-date. We offer a comprehensive Home Buyers Electrical Survey for in-depth analysis. Our engineers inspect wiring, sockets, fuse boxes, and other installations, identifying hazards and non-compliance. With us, you'll receive a detailed report outlining the electrical system's condition and recommended work for improvement.

"I have been utilising Capital Electrical's services for my rental properties for years now. Their EICR is spot on and gives me peace of mind knowing that my properties are safe and up to code. The engineer always conducts thorough inspections and identifies any potential risks. Reports are detailed, clear and easy to understand, and they always recommend the best course of action for any required repairs. What else do you need? Thank you."

Russel Hobbs

Landlord Electrical Certificate


If you have any questions or concerns about our services, here are some common inquiries we receive.

How often should I have my property inspected and tested?

For residential properties, we recommend an inspection and test every 10 years or when changing occupancy. For rental properties, it's every 5 years or with each change of tenants, whichever comes first. It's crucial to adhere to these guidelines to ensure safety and compliance with electrical standards.

What does an electrical inspection and test involve?

An electrical inspection involves a thorough examination of the electrical systems and installations in your property. This includes checking the wiring, sockets, fuse boxes, and other electrical installations for safety and efficiency. Following the inspection, a test is conducted to determine if the installations are working correctly and safely.

What will I receive after the inspection and test?

After the inspection and test, you will receive an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). This report outlines the condition of the electrical installations in your property, noting any deviations from the British Standards for electrical safety, and recommends any necessary corrective actions.

What if I don't have my property inspected and tested regularly?

Neglecting regular electrical inspections and tests can pose serious risks, including electrical fires and shocks. Additionally, it may also lead to non-compliance with your insurance policy, potentially invalidating your coverage. As a landlord or homeowner, it's your legal responsibility to ensure the safety of your occupants.

Emergency Contact Us 24/7

Our fully qualified engineers can address any electrical emergencies or fault findings.